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Beanstalk Plugin Property Reference

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Properties Available to All Mojos

  • beanstalker.region: AWS Region to Use e.g. sa-east-1 (default: us-east-1)
  • beanstalker.serverId: Server Id e.g. myaccount (see AWS Configuration)

Environment Related Properties

Here's a quick rundown on the most critical environment properties (create-environment, put-environment, update-environment, and replace-environment:

  • beanstalk.cnamePrefix: cnamePrefix of the environment (sans the
  • beanstalk.environmentName: Environment Name
  • beanstalk.solutionStack: Solution Stack e.g. 64bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7

Configuration Option Settings:

Most of those exist given their common occurrence OR the existence of Spaces, making it difficult to map as an ordinary AWS Configuration Option Name. In general, they're mapped as '', but those below are aliased:

  • beanstalk.keyName: EC2 Key Name to use (aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration/EC2KeyName)
  • beanstalk.applicationHealthCheckURL: Health Check URL e.g. /services/api/v1/health/check (aws:elasticbeanstalk:application/Application Health Check URL)
  • beanstalk.automaticallyTerminateUnhealthyInstances: Automatically Terminate Unhealthy Instances (aws:elasticbeanstalk:monitoring/Automatically Terminate Unhealthy Instances)
  • beanstalk.iamInstanceProfile: IAM Instance Profile Role Name (aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration/IAMInstanceProfile)
  • beanstalk.instanceType: EC2 Instance Type e.g. m1.small (aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration/InstanceType)
  • beanstalk.environmentType: Set to SingleInstance to use Single Instance instead of ELB (aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment/EnvironmentType)
  • beanstalk.imageId: Image Id to Use e.g. ami-95baf4fc (aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration/Image Id)
  • beanstalk.securityGroups: Security Groups of the Auto Scaling Group e.g. default, page-service" (aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration/SecurityGroups)
  • beanstalk.stickinessPolicy: Cookie Stickiness Policy (aws:elb:policies/Stickiness Policy)
  • beanstalk.stickinessCookieExpiration: Cookie Expiration (aws:elb:policies/Stickiness Cookie Expiration)
  • beanstalk.availabilityZones: Custom Availability Zones eg. us-east-1b, us-east-1d (aws:autoscaling:asg/Custom Availability Zones)
  • beanstalk.notificationProtocol: Notification Protocol eg. e-mail (aws:elasticbeanstalk:sns:topics/Notification Protocol)

For more details, see (Option Values)[] in the Development Guide

System Properties

  • System Property X

See Using Custom Environment Properties with AWS Elastic Beanstalk for more detail. It is also possible to set them from the cli using beanstalk:set-property mojo:

$ mvn beanstalk:set-property -Dbeanstalk.envName=X -Dbeanstalk.envValue=Y


Completely map Option Values, which means:

  • aws:autoscaling:asg:
    • Availability Zones
    • MinSize
    • MaxSize
  • MonitoringInterval
  • aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration:
    • SSHSourceRestriction
    • BlockDeviceMappings
  • aws:elasticbeanstalk:sns:topics:
    • Notification Endpoint
    • Notification Topic ARN
    • Notification Topic Name
  • aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:tomcat:jvmoptions:
    • JVM Options
    • Xmx
    • XX:MaxPermSize
    • Xms
  • aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:tomcat:jvmoptions
  • aws:elasticbeanstalk:hostmanager:
    • LogPublicationControl

Finding Settings for a Particular Mojo

  • See the Plugin Doc Page for more details
  • Or use mvn beanstalk:help -Ddetail [-Dgoal=<goal>]


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