ingenieux docs

AWS Configuration

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In order to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you need a set of AWS Credentials. They are a pair of Strings, named:

  • AWS Access Key Id: A 20-length all-uppercase and numbers string, like 022QF06E7MXBSH9DHM02
  • AWS Secret Key: a 40-length String with alpha, numbers, slash and plus, like kWcrlUX5JEDGM/LtmEENI/aVmYvHNif5zB+d9+ct

Setting Up Credentials

First, review the Maven Docs on Password Encryption and create your settings-security.xml and settings.xml accordingly

Encrypt your AWS Secret Key. Here's the basic command (replace with your secret key):

$ mvn -ep kWcrlUX5JEDGM/LtmEENI/aVmYvHNif5zB+d9+ct

Next, create a server entry with your key and encrypted password:

<settings xmlns=""

Having Multiple Servers Defined

If you have multiple servers defined, just add them with names other than and set the Maven Property beanstalker.serverId to the server name declared.

Testing the Credentials

A Simple test to validate the IAM Credentials is to use the show-security-credentials mojo. You'll need the iam:GetUser permission in order to perform this:

$ mvn []
[INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:1.1.1:show-security-credentials (default-cli) @ ingenieux-docs ---
[INFO]  * user: {UserName: ingenieux, UserId: 235368163414, Arn: arn:aws:iam::235368163414:root, CreateDate: Wed Oct 15 15:51:05 BRT 2008, } [class: User]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 14.022s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Sep 15 11:51:16 BRT 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 12M/104M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Up Next

How to configure the pom and its settings. Or, if you're starting from scratch, take a look at the archetype

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